Benadering van π in Oberon

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Oberon System V5 (a)
MODULE Westley2;  (* for Oberon System.  hk  3.14.2022 *)
  After an obfuscated C program by Brian Westley (IOCCC, 1988):
  #define _ F-->00||-F-OO--;
  int F=00,OO=00;main(){F_OO();printf("%1.3f\n",4.*-F/OO/OO);}F_OO()

  Note that the underscore is not rendered well in Oberon10 font,
  so use Courier10 font to draw circles.
  Separate two circles with "~~~".
  Select (the start of) a circle and middle click Westley2.FOO @
  IMPORT Foo := In, FoO := Out;
  PROCEDURE FOO*;  (* just foo'ing around *)
    CONST BAR = 9X; Bar = 0DX; baR = 20X; bar = 2DX; BaR = 5FX;
    VAR foo: CHAR;
      F,OO: REAL;
      f,O0: INTEGER;
  BEGIN f:=0;O0:=0;
    Foo.Open; Foo.Char(foo);
    WHILE Foo.Done & (foo # "~") DO
      WHILE (foo = BAR) OR (foo = Bar) OR (foo = baR) DO
      ELSIF foo = BaR DO
        DEC(f); DEC(O0);
      ELSIF foo = bar DO
        Foo.Char(foo); Foo.Char(foo)
      Foo.Char(foo); Foo.Char(foo)
    F := FLT(f);
    OO := FLT(O0);
    FoO.Real(4.0*(-F)/OO/OO, 12); FoO.Ln
END Westley2.FOO @

      _-_-_ _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_


Hans Klaver heeft zaterdag 17 februari 2024 tijdens onze bijeenkomst in De Bilt enkele Oberon programma's laten zien om een benadering van π te geven.

De Oberon code en schermafbeeldingen van Oberon System V5 (Project Oberon, staan hierboven en hieronder.

Deze code is ook beschikbaar als download: Zie voor gebruik ook de licentie informatie in license.txt in de .zip download.

Oberon System V5 (a)

MODULE Westley;  (* for Oberon System.  hk  3.14.2022 *)
  After an obfuscated C program by Brian Westley (IOCCC, 1988).
  Gives an approximation of pi by measuring area (A) and diameter (d) of a circle 
  and using the relation pi = 4A/d^2. 
  The area is measured by counting the character(s) _ and -.
  Diameter is measured by the number of lines.

  Note that the underscore is not rendered well in Oberon10 font, 
  so use Courier10 font to draw circles.
  Separate two circles with "~~~".  
  Select (the start of) a circle and middle click Westley.Do @
  IMPORT  In, Out;

    CONST  TAB = 9X;  CR = 0DX;  SP = 20X;  minus = 2DX;  uScore = 5FX;
    VAR ch: CHAR;
      Area, Diam: REAL;
      area, diam: INTEGER;
  BEGIN area := 0;  diam := 0;
    In.Open;  In.Char(ch);
    WHILE In.Done & (ch # "~") DO
      WHILE (ch = TAB) OR (ch = CR) OR (ch = SP) DO
      ELSIF ch = uScore DO
        DEC(area);  DEC(diam);
      ELSIF ch = minus DO
        In.Char(ch); In.Char(ch)
      In.Char(ch); In.Char(ch); 
    Area := FLT(area);  Diam := FLT(diam);
    Out.Real(4.0*(-Area)/Diam/Diam, 12); Out.Ln
  END Do;

END Westley.Do @


      _-_-_ _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_

Tenslotte hieronder een programma voor command line Oberon compilers (bijvoorbeeld OBNC) dat meer dan 200.000 cijfers van π kan berekenen. Dit programma laat zich vrij eenvoudig naar andere programmeertalen omzetten. Ook deze code zit in

MODULE PiSpigot;  (* hk  16 Feb 2024 *)
  Oberon-07 program to compute N digits of π. 
  Compiled with OBNC for the POSIX console (Windows, macOS, Linux). 
  ( )
  After spigot.c in the book 'π Unleashed' (p. 81), 2nd ed., 2001,
  by Jörg Arndt and Christoph Haenel.
  It uses a 'spigot' algorithm by Rabinowitz & Wagon, as modified by Haenel.
  The algorithm drips out digits of π, one per loop, as if from a leaky tap, 
  and does not use the digits after they are computed. It only uses INTEGER, 
  no need for floating point or 'bignum'.
  Based on evaluation of a mathematical series (due to Leibniz and Euler): 
    π = 2 + 1/3(2 + 2/5(2 + 3/7(2 + 4/9(2 + ...))))
  wherein π can be seen as a number in a number system with a variable base.
  The 'mixed-radix' base b = (1/3, 2/5, 3/7, 4/9, ...) and now π itself 
  simply is written as an infinite list of 2's. The rest of the algorithm
  is a radix conversion to the decimal number system.
  The original algorithm (and a Pascal program) is described in the paper: 
  A Spigot Algorithm for the Digits of π, by Stanley Rabinowitz & Stan Wagon,
  Amer. Math. Monthly, March 1995, 195-203.

  Bug fixes for the algorithm and an earlier C program by Christoph Haenel:
  For an explanation of how the algorithm works read the above paper by R.& W., 
  or see the book 'π-Unleashed' by Arndt & Haenel, Springer (1998, 2001),
  or see:
  IMPORT Out, Input;
    MAX = 209602;            (* MAX > 209602 gives 'Segmentation fault'           *) 
    N = 5000;                (* number of digits of π to calculate                *)
    len = 10*N DIV 3 + 1;
    a: ARRAY len OF INTEGER;
    t: INTEGER;              (* time *)
  (* Time in seconds *)
  BEGIN RETURN Input.Time() DIV Input.TimeUnit
  END GetClock;

  PROCEDURE Calculate (n: INTEGER);
  (* Calculate and print the first n decimal digits of π *)
      p,                                      (* previous provisional digit       *)
      q,                                      (* next provisional digit           *)
      nines: INTEGER;                         (* number of 9's next to each other *)
    FOR i := 0 TO len - 1 DO a[i] := 2 END;   (* fill a[] with 2's                *)
    p := -1;  nines := 0;
    WHILE n >= 0 DO
      (* Normalise and compensate for the very first digit *)
      q := 0;
      FOR i := len - 1 TO 1 BY -1 DO          (* work from right to left          *)
        INC(q, 10*a[i]);                      (* q := q + 10*a[i]                 *)
        a[i] := q MOD (i+i+1);                (* a[i] := remainder                *)
        q := q DIV (i+i+1);                   (* quotient := FLOOR(q/(2*i+1))     *)
        q := q * i                            (*    now q = carry                 *)
      (* The first digit is post-processed *)
      INC(q, 10*a[0]);                        (* q := q + 10*a[0]                 *)
      a[0] := q MOD 10;
      q := q DIV 10;                          (* q: next provisional digit        *)
      IF q = 9 THEN INC(nines)                (* q = 9 -> increment no. of 9's    *)
        IF p >= 0 THEN Out.Int(p + q DIV 10, 0) END; (* p: previous provis. digit *)
        IF n < nines THEN nines := n END;            (* adjust digits to print    *)
        DEC(n, nines + 1);                           (* n := n - (nines + 1)      *)
        DEC(nines);                                  (* nines := nines - 1        *)
        WHILE nines >= 0 DO                          (* print 9's or 0's          *)
          IF q = 10 THEN Out.Int(0, 0) ELSE Out.Int(9, 0) END;
        nines := 0;
        IF q = 10 THEN p := 0 ELSE p := q END (* set previous provisional digit   *)
    END; Out.Ln
  END Calculate;

  t := GetClock();
  t := GetClock() - t;

  Out.Int(N, 0); Out.String(" digits of π"); Out.Ln;
  Out.String("run-time = "); Out.Int(t, 0); Out.String(" s"); Out.Ln
END PiSpigot.


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